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Problems M, N, O, P
Between Spouses
Layer Depletion
Space Problems
should be laws banning bigamy. There
should be laws supporting monogamy only.
Anyone who is found guilty of breaking this law should be punished. The punishment should be very stern and severe in order to
discourage others to practice bigamy. Any
educated person should reason that having two wives would be a problem because
there would be misunderstanding between them and problems between the children
of both wives.
is a separation of a legally married couple. It also could be a legal
dissolution of a marriage. When two persons, that is, a husband and wife do
not get along because of adultery, or are not compatible, then they would seek
a divorce. Divorce is a problem and could be a solution also. It is a problem
to the ones who are suffering from the divorce, that is, the relatives,
spouses and children. It is a solution to the ones who are seeking it. When
people get married and get divorced, it is a problem to the society because
children suffer and are mentally disturbed. There could be problems like
custodial problems or maintenance for wife.
There would be adjustment problems also by the children if one spouse
should remarry.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
else should be tried and divorce must be only a last resort.
The actual reason for a divorce should be because of adultery.
The real solution, however, should be based on the cause of seeking
divorce. For example, if a wife
wants a divorce because her husband is an alcoholic, then the husband must try
to kick the habit of alcoholism to save the marriage.
If the husband is trying to seek a divorce because the wife is not
willing to have sex with him, the solution should be based on the reason why
she is not willing to have sex with her husband. When a man is having
extramarital affair, and the wife is asking for divorce, the man should be
talked to and be advised to give up that extramarital affair.
the reason could be incompatibility. If
they are not compatible then they should make a lot of adjustments because
marriage is a relationship where there should be compromise and cooperation.
When there is no compromise and cooperation inevitably there will be problems.
5:32 informs that divorce should take place because of adultery only. The
family that prays together stays together.
Hence, when the family has morning and evening prayers and worships
together, it wont run into problems. But
when there is adultery time and again, my advice would be to seek the divorce. Here, divorce
would be a solution. The chances
are when a spouse commits adultery, that spouse would continue to commit it.
It is an addiction. If the
divorcees are to marry again they are to seek the right person because divorce
should not happen again. However,
after the divorce, the spouse should be willing to allow other person child
visitation rights and the male divorcee must be willing to give financial
support to the children.
spouses may be fighting, either verbally or physically. Sometimes, a wife might be angry with the husband if she
suspects his fidelity and this would cause a quarrel between the couple.
In fact, most of the time, trivial matters will cause fighting between
spouses. Occasionally, just
because the husband comes home late from work there would be fighting.
One big
culprit for the cause of fighting between spouses is alcoholism.
When a spouse drinks, it could lead to fighting between the spouses.
And drug addiction can cause fighting too. Even if both spouses were drug
addicts, it would still abet fighting because they would fight for more drugs
or fight to have different types of drugs if there was a shortage.
Sometimes, the spouses would fight because they arent from the same
race or tribe or religion. This could incite more problems because one spouse
might go to a church and the other goes to a temple. One spouse might be of a
black race and the other might be from a white race and there might be some
cultural differences. If the
spouses have children, they will be affected. Other times, fighting could
cause the spouses not to speak to each other and some day it might eventually
lead to a divorce.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
solutions should be based on premise that no marriage is perfect.
Couples will have some problems but the problems should not have to lead to
serious fighting. The couple should everyday pray in the morning and in the
evening because a family that prays together stays together. They should also
read the Bible. Every night no matter how the day passed and if there was
fighting, at the end of the day they should apologize to each other.
If they do not apologize and sleep, the problem would aggravate the
next day. Sometimes the problem is, who should apologize first? A husband and
wife called a family friend and were discussing who is actually the boss of
the house. The wife said, "Well, my husband is not really the boss of the
house." The husband stated, "I am the boss of the house because I always
have the last words at the end of the day!" The visitor was inquisitive, so
he asked what the last words are. The husband replied nonchalantly, "The
last words are 'I am sorry!' " Any spouse must be willing to ask pardon. Always try to
forgive one another because marriage is a relationship based on forgiveness.
The most important thing is God should be the Head of the family in order to
prevent fighting or any other family problem.
Polyandry is a state of
having more than one husband. In
some tribes a wife will have more than one husband. There are some tribes in
Meghalaya, North East India and Amazon Region where polyandry prevails.
This is a problem. It could also fuse the problem of knowing who is the
father of the child.
Spiritual Solutions
government should enact a regulation that a woman should not have more than
one husband. Incidentally, we are infringing on the tribal political and
social set-up but we are to obey God rather than man. The Bible states in
Genesis 2:24, And a man shall leave
his mother and father and shall and cleave unto his wife and they shall become
one flesh. Two men cannot
cleave to one wife. And these tribal people should be educated to
prevent polyandry.
is a state where a man has more than one wife. In the Middle East and African
countries, polygyny is followed. This definitely is a problem in terms of the
fight for inheritance between the children of the wives and between the wives,
and there may be also an economic problem that is, more mouths to feed.
One can see the problem that was caused by Abraham when he practised
polygamy in Biblical history. The descendants of Abraham have problems even
till today, that is, problems between the Jews and the Muslims because of
Spiritual Solutions
government should enact laws to prohibit polygamy. But in the Middle East
countries and Muslim societies it is an official law that a man can have four
wives, and there is nothing much one can do. In the Old Testament times there
are instances where the kings and the patriarchs had more than one wife but in
the New Testament times it was not so. Acts 17:30 states, And
the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men
everywhere to repent. It declares that God winked at the ignorance in
the Old Testament times when they had more than one wife. But now God has
taught us to repent and have only one wife.
Again the same principle that man shall leave his father and mother and
shall cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh should be followed. A
man cannot become one flesh with so many wives.
The Bible teaches that man should have only one wife.
A man must have only one wife lest there will be problems between the
wives and the children of the wives and certain economical problems even if he
is rich.
beating is where the husband batters the wife for any cause whatsoever.
The cause could be that the food was not tasty or the wife looked at
some other man or wife did not listen to the husbands commands. This wife
battering is very frequent in Asian and African nations.
This is a serious problem because the wife maybe beaten black and blue.
Usually when the husband beats the wife, he is either egoistic or under the
influence of alcohol.
of all, men should be educated from childhood that they should treat their
wives lovingly and they should not beat up their wives.
The government should bring in a statute that anyone who is guilty of
wife battering be severely punished. This
punishment could instill fear among the wife batterers.
There was a complaint that a man was battering his wife, hence, the
police came to investigate. Because the wife was afraid, she did not say a
word and kept quiet. However,
the police asked the man, "Do you beat your wife, sir?" And he replied,
"No!" The police asked,
"What do you do?" The man
answered, "I am always on my knees while I talk to my wife.""
The policeman answered,
"If you were on your knees trying to pray or
trying to ask your wife for forgiveness then there is no problem."
Afterwards the policeman walked out.
But the couple's small daughter who was three years old ran out
and told the policeman, "My father was on his knees telling my mother,
'You devil, come out from under the bed because I am going to bash you if I
catch you.' " Some action
should be taken to stop wife battering.
the husband reads his Bible and prays he will follow the Bibles teaching,
and will not batter his wife. Ephesians 4:20 expresses, All
men should love their wives as their own body. A man will not beat his own body. If he loves his own body, he will not beat up his wife.
Math Difficulty
is signs and numbers and how they operate, their interrelationships,
combinations, abstractions and generalization.
Most of the students hate math and some love it.
The more one hates mathematics, the more difficult it becomes for that
student. When it becomes very
difficult the student will not pass the mathematics. It is a serious problem
to many students and other persons.
advice to you is not to hate math but love it.
When you love it, you will definitely enjoy it later.
It is like learning how to rid a bicycle.
You will fall and have bruises. You
may have phobia of falling, you might not want to try it but later when you
try it and have mastered it, you will invariably love bicycling. In same manner, initially some students might have
problems in mathematics but once they have learnt it, they will love it.
must ask the help from math teacher. Do not follow the proverb, Once bitten, twice shy! Once
a child gets a nasty experience, the child will hate that experience. If you
get zero or five percent in math test, try again.
It is just like a song, which you love to hear.
You would love to hear that song when you are eating or relaxing, you
would even long to hear the song in the toilet. In the same manner, you should
love mathematics.
advice is if you want to improve your memory in math, learn music.
Music has major scales, minor scales, chords, flats and sharps, which
one must learn. Initially learning music might be difficult, but once you
learnt well, you will love it. Math
and music can go hand in hand so if you want to do better in math, take up
piano lessons and this will enhance your math memory.
Do not procrastinate doing math problems and homework. Try to do them
immediately. Albert Einstein had flunked math. But he did become a great
scientist in physics and mathematics and he bagged the Nobel Prize in physics.
Hence, dont give up, who knows, you might be a great scientist in the field
of mathematics.
are to pray to God to ask wisdom. James 1:5 states, If
any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,
and upbraideth not, and it shall be given to him. You
are to pray to God to help solve from this problem of math difficulty.
After praying, you are to do your best.
Do your best and God will do the rest.
Work hard to solve mathematical problems.
Menstrual Problems
is absence of menstruation. It is
divided into primary and secondary amenorrhea.
Amenorrhea ---It is where a girl did not menstruate in spite of passing the
age of puberty.
Amenorrhoea---It is where a female experienced menstration but later it seized
because of some reasons. It is
natural for a female to experience secondary amenorrhea during pregnancy, and
usually during lactation.
causes of primary amenorrhea, could be due to several reasons. It could be
because of some genetic abnormalities like Turners syndrome; pituitary
dysfunction like hypopituitarism; tumors of reproductive system; anorexia
nervosa and imperforate hymen. The causes of secondary amenorrhea may be
because of failure of reproductive organs, Cushings syndrome,
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and poor nutrition. Occasionally, excessive exercise contributes to
secondary amenorrhea.
treatment would be according to the cause of the amenorrhea.
The doctors would do various diagnostic tests to find out what caused
the amenorrhea but eventually the treatment would depend on the cause and the
type of amenorrhea. If it were
because of hypothyroidism, then thyroxin tablets would be given to help the
person with the problem of hypothyroidism.
When it is excessive exercise the person would be advised not to do
excessive exercises. The person
would be also given counseling to cope up with amenorrhoea.
is pain or difficulty associated with menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is divided
into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is
menstrual pain in the absence of any organic or pathological reasons whereas
and secondary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain where there are organic or
pathological causes. The pain would be cramping pelvic pain radiating to the
back and the inner thighs. Some girls would experience nausea, diarrhea,
flushing and headaches.
females that are suffering from dysmenorrhea must see a gynaecologist who will
treat according to the cause and type of dysmenorrhea (whether it is primary
dysmenorrhea or secondary dysmenorrhea). Usually the line of treatment for
dysmenorrhea is non-steroid drugs like ibuprofen and ketoprofen.26
These should be taken under doctor's advice and prescription. The
medication should be continued for two to three days. Sometimes even oral
contraceptive pills are advised.
is the first menstruation experienced by a girl. Usually the menarche would be
experienced during nine to thirteen years (9-13). The experience of menarche
is a problem for the girl because she will suffer from tension and stress. In
some of the cultures, a girl is not told about it until she sees the blood
coming out from her vagina, at which point she may panic. For some girls,
menarche may not be experienced at all if there is imperforate hymen.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
mothers should inform their pre-pubertal daughters that they would be
experiencing menarche, especially when they are at age seven or eight. They
could also tell them their experience about their menarche. They should tell
them that there is nothing to worry about or to fear and it is a natural
phenomenon so they need not become afraid when they see the blood. If there
are no mothers, then aunts or big sisters should tell them. In some Asian
cultures, there is, in fact, a big feast conducted when a girl has menarche,
which in turn, puts pressure on her because she would be bashful and
embarrassed to be seated on a big chair and have all the relatives, friends
and public staring at her. This feast is actually performed to show that the
young girl has reached adulthood but this could be embarrassing and stressful
to the girl. Hence, these people should be educated against having this type
of activity in the girls honor.
the girls who were already told they would experience menarche, should not
become afraid when they see the blood. They should, in fact, be told of the
use of various sanitary menstrual napkins, which they would be using, even
before the event. Before the experience itself, the mothers could buy these
sanitary napkins and familiarize them how to use. The senior friends of the
girls could also help them to adjust to this new experience.
is a period when the ovaries stop functioning and the cessation of
menstruation takes place. It
usually occurs between forty-five and fifty years of a womans life.
The symptoms are night sweats, extreme lethargy, hot flashes and
decrease in sexual drive. Other
problems and complications could be fractures because of loss of bone mineral;
there could also be incidents of depression and vaginal atrophy during
menopause. There could be dyspareunia, which means painful sexual intercourse.
should accept that it is natural that they are to reach this climacteric
period. Every woman has to face menopause some day so they should naturally
take it in their stride. Women
should prepare for menopause a few years before it happens so that it is easy
for them to get used to it when they actually experience.
The woman who experiences menopause should have an intake of at least
1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium because of osteoporosis risk and also another
recommendation is that they should take a lot of fluids because they can
women must also use vaginal creams and they can go for estrogen replacement.
Estrogen replacement therapy is basically a matter of choice for women to
avoid bone loss, coronary heart disease and hot flashes. Sometimes, this
replacement could help to decrease the chances of suffering from dementia. Estrogen therapy should be taken under doctors advice.
Women who are related to women who have breast cancer and those who
suffer from abnormal vaginal bleeding should not take estrogen replacement
therapy. The women ought to be
aware that the side effects of estrogen replacement therapy could be
tenderness and swelling of the breasts and there would also be weight gain.
Menopausal women should join a menopause club to help each other to
live better. They could even have normal sex with their husbands without
problem and in fact, in a way this would help them to live a good life in the
menopausal years.
is an excessive flow of menstrual blood and/or lengthy duration of
menstruation. It is also hyper-menorrhea. It is because of either organic
causes or dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Endometritis, cervical lesions,
polyps in uterus, and infections can also cause heavy bleeding. Fibroids in
the uterus can also trigger menorrhagia. Thyroid dysfunction can either cause
menorrhagia or even oligomenorrhea, which is scanty bleeding.
patient must visit a gynecologist. After many diagnostic tests the doctor
would find out what the exact cause of the problem is and would then treat
according to the cause. If it is polyps, they will have to be removed. When it
is because of endometritis it should be treated accordingly. If it is thyroid
dysfunction then that dysfunction has to be treated.
syndrome is a combination of recurrent physical and emotional problems that
develop usually seven to fourteen (7-14) days before the menstruation. It
subsides after the menstruation occurs. Symptoms, which are not specific to
every woman, are breast pain, ankle swelling, bloating, skin problems,
irritability, depression, inability to concentrate, lethargy and food
cravings. The exact cause of pre-menstrual syndrome is not understood.
However, different stress factors and some ovarian dysfunctions can put a
female at risk for pre-menstrual syndrome.
patients should visit a gynecologist for help. Sometimes, oral contraceptives
are recommended but they do not work always. The doctor should reassure the
patients. Other methods could be psychotherapy and self-help groups for all
females who are suffering from pre-menstrual problems. Women suffering from
pre-menstrual syndrome should not drink coffee, eat high fatty foods and
high-refined carbohydrates. Some patients should try vitamins and minerals,
which might help. The patient with pre-menstrual syndrome should be occupied
with some form of exercises like jogging. For some, soothing music may help
them. The patients can watch good relaxing videos or be occupied with some
form of work. The drug that is prescribed is progesterone to relieve tension,
irritability and other effects. This should be taken under doctor's
is person who is extremely stingy. This person will not spend any money on
himself/herself, family or friends. It can have a bad effect on
himself/herself and the family.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
The art of spending money wisely should actually be inculcated in the
family itself to the children. Whenever they are given their allowances, they
should be told how to spend. They should be taught not to spend too much or to
keep everything without spending. If a husband and wife are both misers, the
children will suffer. They will not have good food or clothes because they try
to save every penny without spending. Therefore, friends and relatives,
instead of teasing the misers, should help them. The more you tease, the worse
they become. Slowly try to convince them lovingly that money should be spent
on children and that they should not keep all the money to themselves.
You can also quote from 1 Timothy 6:10, The
love of money is the root of all evil So one should not love the
money so much and try to preserve it. Lord Jesus also says that we should seek
things of more importance. Matthew 6:36 says, Seek
ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.
So we should keep the treasures in heaven and not the earthly ones by stingily
saving their money but should spend it wisely. The persons who are misers
should not be given gifts or taken shopping on their birthdays, by others, in
order to show them that by being misers they actually suffer.
is the act of killing someone illegally. The causes of murder vary. Usually
the causes of murder depend on the three Ws that are:
Wine (Alcohol)
murders are related to these three factors. When people drink a lot of alcohol
they lose their senses and inhibitions and may be ready to kill at the
slightest anger. Unscrupulous persons want to murder others for their wealth
in order to become rich over-night. They kill for money, gold, jewelry and any
kind of wealth. Certain persons kill their own brothers for the sake of land
or immobile assets like houses. They will also kill for women, especially if
there is a triangular love affair. Someone definitely will be killed in a love
triangle. Sometimes husbands kill women if they are caught in adultery.
Another reason for killing is revenge.
In a fit of anger some may kill but later end up regretting it. Some
individuals just kill after raping a girl to prevent being identified by her.
Many persons kill after doing some felony like theft or rape so that there
will be no eyewitness. Very few killers, like serial killers, just kill for
the sake of killing. Sadists get some form of pleasure in killing people; they
enjoy the act of seeing somebody die. As long as alcohol and guns are
available, it is inevitable that there will be murders.
Spiritual Solutions
men are trained from the childhood that murder is a grievous sin, then they
will learn to avoid situations that may result in murder. The Bible states in
Exodus 20:13, Thou shall not kill.
It is the sixth commandment. Anyone who kills will not go to heaven and will
not be saved, if he does not repent. The children should be taught early not
to drink alcohol nor to be involved in drug addiction and not to crave for
wealth. They are to be taught that the love of money is the root of all evil
(1 Timothy 6:10). They should be inculcated not to try any means to become
rich over night. People ought to be taught the dangers of being involved in
love triangles. They should not lure women through money. People should be
taught not to have bouts of anger and not to take revenge on others. They have
to be taught that raping and killing someone else is wrong. When they are
uninvolved in other felonies like stealing and rape, there will be no need to
kill to stop someone from being an eyewitness. Violence seems to start as a universal conqueror, however, it inevitably ends
up as a universal loser.
importance of the Bible and prayer are to be inculcated. Some students in
Western schools, especially in the USA, who do not like particular
teachers/students will take guns to school and kill them. Hatred is not to
permitted in schools. People like to experiment with guns but there should be
strict laws to prohibit the possession of guns. Finally, the persons,
especially children that enjoy torturing animals or other children, are to be
taken to a psychiatrist and be given psychotherapy to prevent the pleasure of
torturing animals and other children. If psychiatric help is not given, they
will later torture and kill humans. Some support capital punishment for all
murderers and the action against them should be swift. Ecclesiastes 8:11
declares, Because the sentence against evil is not executed speedily,
the hearts of men are fully set to do evil continually. And Revelation
13:10 says, He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the
sword When these criminals are put to death quickly so that
other would be killers will be discouraged/frightened to kill. Capital
punishment, if executed speedily, would act as a deterrent. Human rights
groups should not consider only about the accused but also about the
victims relatives that are left to suffer for a long time. They ought to realize that death sentence when executed speedily
acts as a check for others
that may consider killing. There should be strict laws to prohibit the illegal
possession of guns.
is a continuous source of annoying someone. It is an irritation through
constant urging or scolding. Nagging is worse a problem for the person being
nagged. The person who is nagged may even develop hypertension, headaches,
depression and tension.
Spiritual Solutions
person who is nagging ought to realize that he/she has a problem. Suppose a
wife is incessantly nagging the husband, then she should be taken to a
marriage counselor for help. If she is nagging because the husband is not
buying some dress for her, sometimes, the husband should buy the dress in
order to stop the nagging. However, the nagging might continue over some other
issue. When she wants something,
she should tell the husband once or twice. When he doesnt get it, she must,
sometimes, ignore him completely then he might realize that something is
wrong; and when he asks why she is ignoring him, she can remind him of her
request and his failure to do so. He may realize his mistake and do what she
wants him to do.
way to solve this problem of nagging is to make somebody else nag the nagging
person. Suppose the wife is nagging, the husband should ask the child to
continuously nag the mother. Of course, this is not good training but just for
a short while. Tell the child that this is an experiment and that it is for a
few times he/she is to nag her but not to make it a habit. When the mother
knows the pain of nagging when the child nags her, she will realize that
nagging is not a good habit. Even in work situations, some employees would nag
the employer for a raise in salary. A student may nag the teacher or vice
versa. Sometimes for nagging problems if you practice tit for tat, it works.
is to love ones own self. The narcissist is egocentric and he thinks that
he knows everything while nobody knows anything. He is in love with himself.
This is a rare problem that affects a very few people in this world.
Spiritual Solutions
solution can be dug out from the Bible. Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy might and the
second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,state
Matthew 22:37 and 39. Lord Jesus admonishes to love God with all
your heart, soul, mind and strength. Hence,
persons who love their own selves should love God and when they love God
therell be peace in their souls.
if you love your own self there will be only sorrow, stress and strain. Man is
made of dust and if you trust the body which is made of dust it is absolutely
useless. However, when you love God with all your heart you will also love
your neighbor as yourself. It is better to follow His commandments and pray to
Him to help you to love Him and your fellow men than to love your own selves.
is misbehavior or being vicious in moral character. When some children are
naughty, their parents take pride in their naughtiness and dont reprimand
them. They boast to other parents, Oh look, when that man was passing, my
child teased him by telling this and that. To them that shows how clever
the child is. Sometimes, they would say that their child poured water on
another person or said something nasty, which is too smart for the childs
age. If this naughtiness is not corrected, then it becomes a serious problem.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
ought not to take pride in the misbehavior of their children. They should not
take a stand where they could tell the mischievousness of the child is an act
too smart for their age. They should not take pride but rather reprimand
man was arrested for a lot of felonies and was sentenced to life imprisonment
without parole in the court. The judge asked him what he wanted to say. He
told that he wanted to see his mother who was sitting on the other side. The
judge said, "Fine, Ill let her come and talk to you." When she came
near the man said, "Mom, I want to whisper something in your ear." When
she brought her ear close to his mouth, he bit her so badly that she bled
profusely. The guards pulled them apart. The judge asked him why he had done
so. The man replied, "From childhood I was naughty. Never once did my mother
scold me for it. She only boasted about my naughtiness to others. Now, see
what happened. I became a big criminal and now my life is going to be a waste
considering that Im being imprisoned for life, without parole. My mother is
the cause. She did not correct me." This illustration shows that we are to
correct the naughtiness of children and not boast about their naughtiness.
is a failure to perform the responsibility given. Negligent persons are the
ones who do everything carelessly. Negligence can cause many problems. It can
cause injury to someone. If the driver on the road is not careful but
negligent, it could cause death. If the surgeon is negligent in his surgery,
it could cause a lot of more health problems or death.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
ought not to take things for granted but be careful in everything that we do.
When driving, do not listen to a cricket commentary or hear music through
earphones but must concentrate. Instead of hearing a cricket match commentary,
the driver must concentrate while driving. Be careful in little things and in
so doing, we will be careful in big things too. The surgeon and his team are
to be well prepared for a surgery. A nurse should not gossip in her workplace
but rather, pay attention to her work. When we love our jobs we will not be
negligent but when we dont love our jobs, we will be negligent.
a student is not responsible for his studies and is very careless, he would
suffer. Suppose he doesnt love his studies, he is not going to climb up the
academic ladder. We should be examples to others by being careful. When the
teacher is negligent, the students can become negligent. When the employer is
negligent, then the employee would be no different. We should show carefulness
by example and it ought to start from those higher up the ladder.
is favoritism shown to a relative. Favor is shown to someone just on the basis
of relationship. Suppose a family runs a company, the family can choose their
own relatives to fill up positions. But in case, a person is an administrator
of a company, school, college or a university and he hires his own relatives
then this is a problem. The administrator is showing partiality by not hiring
other persons who deserve to get the job. Sometimes, relatives are hired even
if they are not qualified for a job.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
administrator who is responsible for employing persons must employ a person
regardless of color, race, sex and religion. The human resource manager should
hire the person based on his merit. Just because a person happens to be his
nephew doesnt mean he has to be selected for that job. It is true that
relatives must help relatives, but this can be done in ones own private
organization but if it is a public one or any religious run institution, the
administrator should not hire anyone that is related to him. He should be
impartial and employ the person who deserves the position.
for admissions, a student with the merit must be admitted and not a relative
who doesnt meet the requirements. If the people are taught from youth, that
they should not be nepotic but rather should be impartial and choose the right
persons, then it is easy to solve the problem of nepotism. When a person is
guilty of nepotism, he should be punished by suspending him. When strict
measures are taken to punish the people who are nepotic, it would warn other
would be nepotics not to cheat while hiring a worker. Be it in any field and
contract, it should not be based on relationship but on merit. One can help
the relatives in other ways by giving them some money or gifts. But when it
comes to choosing the right people, choose on merit and not on relationship.
is a state of being timid or being offensive. Some persons, when asked to give
a speech, are nervous. They sweat a lot, breath fast and their mouths become
dry. A few others may get nervous when asked to sing. Others still may be
nervous when they go for an interview to get a visa, a job or for entry into
an academy or institution. Some people are very nervous of taking part in
dramas or skits. Many people have stage fright.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
a person is timid or has fright
to do something on the stage he should rehearse first in an empty auditorium
or classroom or building. Whether the person has to give a speech or sing, he
has to rehearse in front of an audience, which is devoid of any individual. He
should imagine that the whole hall is full of people and should then speak. If
he has a video camera he could film and view his drawbacks or record the
speech on a tape recorder and hear what the drawbacks are and improve. Next
step is to speak in front of two or three persons who are his friends. They
could correct his mistakes. Later he has to perform in front of an audience of
about ten persons. So much so that as he does so, he gets practice. Remember
the adage, Practice makes a man perfect. The more one practices
the better one becomes. Its not good for anyone to perform in front of a
large audience without practice. The moment a nervous person sees a big
audience he will mumble and fumble. Some nervous persons who play the guitar
or keyboards, their hands become so sweaty that they cant even play the
guitar well or may press wrong keys.
a frightful person gives a speech, the words may not come out correctly or
they may stammer. It is always good to write the speech and practice. Remember
if there is a small mistake that is not obvious; do not mention it, because
the audience may not even notice that a mistake had been made. If you go to
participate in a drama it is nice to go and practice in an empty room or an
open area or out in the woods.
case, youre nervous, take a deep breath. Dont drink too much water
because sometimes your bladder gets full and you may want to urinate. Dont
wear shirts, which are white, because if you do so and you are perspiring, it
will become apparent. Above all, pray to God to give you the courage and
strength to speak or sing because God can strengthen you and aid you to get
rid of the nervousness.
are circumscribed pigmental nodules, which are made up of clusters of
melanocytes. Some of the nevi are congenital pigmented area on the skin. They
are known as birthmarks also. Some nevi appear during adolescence age or
later. Nevi are moles. As long as the moles are benign, there is no problem.
But if a mole turns malignant then it is a serious problem.
do we find out if the moles are malignant or benign? Most moles are benign.
Usually a benign mole is small and less than 5millieters. It has a
well-circumscribed and defined border with pigment ranging from pink to dark
brown. Most of the moles found on individuals are similar to each other in
size and color. Sometimes, the moles might be different in size and color on
the same person. The suspicious moles are irregular and have asymmetric
border. The pigment appears to be spreading in normal surrounding skin. The
moles that are partly raised and partly flat and colors, which are pink, blue,
white, gray should be suspected and are to be seen by a dermatologist without
delay. If there are bleeding and ulcerations and also itching in the mole,
then they should be medically checked out. When a person has too many moles,
like more than a hundred, the person needs to be careful and needs to see a
dermatologist because of increased risk of melanoma and requires careful and
periodic examination. If the congenital nevi spreads and are bumpy and the
color changes, then the person ought to see a dermatologist for the presence
of malignancy.
most moles are benign, one should not get every mole excised. Only moles
greater than 5 mm and which changes color and has itching, ulcerations and
bleeding should be removed after seeing a dermatologist. Moles, which are very
hard to be observed from day to day, like those in the back, on the buttocks,
between the buttocks, behind the neck or in the head may be removed because it
is difficult to observe and check for changes. A hairy mole should be
completely removed and not just have it shaved because hair will re-grow.
People with atypical nevi, if their relatives have suffered from melanoma or
skin cancer, they should immediately get the nevi evaluated and biopsy is to
be done. A biopsy will not cause metastasis if it is malignant so it is good
to have a biopsy done and remove all of it if it is cancerous. Patients with
more than a hundred nevi should be referred to a dermatologist. People are to
be educated regarding what are benign and malignant moles.
nightmare is usually a frightening dream accompanied by a feeling of
oppression or suffocation, which usually awakens the sleeper. Nightmares
generally affect children more than adults. When children see frightening
movies on television or read frightening stories, those things appear in their
dreams and will frighten them. They get scared and get up. They can usually
recollect what has happened during the dream. The nightmares can also affect
adults especially if they have some kind of phobias regarding spiders, snakes
and evil spirits. Women and teenage girls, when raped, get nightmares because
of the experience, which they had. It would abet them to suffer frightening
dreams. Some women who have had abortions also have nightmares regarding the
abortion experience.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
children are to be taught what is reality and what is fantasy. They should not
be permitted to watch frightening movies where there is murder or horror,
which will definitely cause them to experience nightmares. The children must
know whether or not a story in a movie could happen in reality or if it is
just fantasy. Movies like spiderman, superman, phantom, batman should be
explained to the children as just fantasies. Some children dream that they are
falling from a high story building and they wake up scared. Persons who have
nightmares should be reassured. Teenage and adult women who have been raped
should be given psychotherapy and prayed for by their church pastors to
comfort and encourage them not to be scared of the experience. If there are
still persistent nightmares, then they should visit a medical doctor.
Generally, diazepam would be prescribed.
is a practice of going nude, especially in sexually mixed groups. There is
nothing wrong with nudism if it is between a husband and a wife. But, if
nudism takes place before other persons apart from a husband or a wife, then
it is a problem. Because God did not intend that we be exposed that way. If
people are going nude, then what is the difference between animals and human
beings? Even the animals are nude before each other.
When a person is nude in front of friends and other people in some
hotels or beaches, then it is a serious problem.
Spiritual Solutions
is a problem as it is revealed by the Holy Bible. Genesis 3:21 states And
unto Adam also and his wife did God make coats of skin and clothed them.
When Adam and Eve were naked, God clothed them because God didnt destine
them to be naked like animals. If God himself clothed man, why should one take
off his/her clothes and be nude in public or in front of other persons who are
neither ones husband or wife? It is definitely an abomination before God.
He has designed that nakedness should be only between a husband and wife.
who frequent nude beaches may not agree with me because they prefer to do
whatever they want to, but they will have to give an account to God on the
Judgment Day about what they had done. On that Day, they cannot say that
nobody told them it was wrong because I am telling them that it is wrong
through this book of mine. I hope that my book gets to the hands of some of
the nudists. When there are strict laws to ban nudism, nudist hotels and
beaches, then it will be good. In the Middle East countries, nudism and nudist
beaches do not exist. In many Western countries nudism does exist. If there is
a law banning it, it is easy to eradicate nudism but if there is no law then
it is hard to do so. Apparently, a father cannot take his daughter to such a
place of nudism and teach it to her, so definitely, there is something wrong
with it. Nudists should be wise and stop it because on the Day of Judgment
they will be found lost forever.
book of Revelation in 13:18 talks about the number of the beast, which is 666.
Different persons interpret this 666 differently while many others have no
clue of what this 666 means. This number causes a lot of confusion among
people. Some people think that 666 is for those who love money. Others
speculate it shows sexual immorality. A few churches may say 666 have got to
do with paganism. Different churches give different meanings to it.
Spiritual Solutions
order to understand the number 666, you have to refer to other parts of the
Bible because as iron sharpens iron, so too does one part of the Bible
sharpens another part. Hence the Bible explains itself. The book of
Revelations is full of symbols. When we comprehend the whole Bible, we know
seven (7) is a perfect number, whereas six (6) depicts the number of the evil
one or the devil. In fact, number six is denoted by a Hebrew alphabet called
Waw, which means hook. And the shape of a hook looks like number six.
meaning of 666 is more explained in chapter 13 of Revelation. In revelation
13:2 it says, The dragon gave his power and authority and seat to the
beast. And in Revelation 12:9, Satan is called the dragon. So we now know
that Satan is the dragon.
is the beast? The beast is a power that worships Satan and does his commands.
That beast will do certain things. Revelation 13:6-7 expresses, And
he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His
tabernacle and them that dwelleth in heaven. And it was given unto him to make
war with the saints and overcome them. And power was given to him over all
kindred, tongue and people. So this is a power that would blaspheme God
and also persecute the saints. Now we have to refer to the book of Daniel in
the Bible to see who the power was. Daniel 7:25 states, And
he shall speak great words against the Most High and shall tear up the saints
of the Most High, and thinketh to change times and laws. And, they shall be
given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Here, we see a power, which changes Gods laws and will persecute saints. In
history, you will find that Papal system changed Gods law like the fourth
commandment where the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday but God did
not change it. It had persecuted and killed many true believers of Lord Jesus
for many years in the past.
when we see Revelation 13:7-17, it talks about another beast, which was like a
lamb-like beast that had two horns. This lamb-like beast was coming out the
earth. If the Bible says a beast had come out of waters it means the nation is
in the old world because Daniel 7:3 says, The four beasts came out of
the sea And the sea or waters represent the people of a nation in
the old world. But in Revelation
13:11 it talks about a lamb like beast that came out of the earth, which means
the new world. This lamb has two horns representing religious power and civil
power and this lamb is none else but USA. The nation of USA would build an
image to the beast and will make all the earth worship this image to the
beast. Whoever doesnt worship this image would be killed according to
Revelation 13:15. This image is basically a law ordering the whole world to
follow. When Papacy will tell USA to enact a law and force the whole world to
keep Sunday holy and Saturday a working day, then you can be sure that this is
an image to the beast.
now, there is economic stability in most Western countries but there will come
a time when the economic conditions will not be so sound and USA, advised by
the Papacy would enforce the Sunday Law causing everybody to work six days,
including the Seventh Day Sabbath, which is Saturday and to keep Sunday holy.
You can go to church everyday but on Saturday you should not work. All who do
not work on Saturday would be given a number, which is 666. There are many
people that are confused where the mark will be placed because Revelation 13:6
says, Whoever does not receive the mark in the right hand or on the
forehead When they read these words they think that their number
will be literally printed on the forehead or on the hand but actually the
number can be placed on documents. All who have the mark of the beast can buy
and sell and lead a normal life in society that is what the Bible tells. But
whoever doesnt have the mark or number of the beast cannot buy or sell
according to verse 17 of Revelation 13 chamber. Hence, this number 666 could
be placed or stamped on credit cards, driving licenses, and in bank accounts
and passports. It could be on ration cards, which are supplied in a few Asian
countries. These are speculations where the number 666 could be found but once
the Sunday Law is enforced, everybody will know who has the mark of the beast
and who doesnt. All who keep the fourth commandment (Saturday holy) of the
Ten Commandments would not receive the number 666 and will not be able to buy
and sell. These people of God will be persecuted and many of them will run to
the forests and mountains.
does God want His people to run to the forests and mountains? In Revelation
chapter 16, it talks about the seven last plagues. Some of the seven last
plagues have to do with the pollution of the waters, severe and intense heat
and large hailstones. If Gods people were among the wicked people who have
the mark of the beast or number 666, then they too would die drinking the
polluted water because no chemicals or boiling could purify that polluted
water. They would also die due to intense heat and large hailstones. Thus, God
wants His people to be in the forests and mountains where they could drink
fresh water and God could supply them with food just as He supplied water and
food to Elijah in the days of king Ahab in Old Testament. To know more about
this mark of the beast, you can read the book The Great Controversy by
Ellen G. White.
people, when they read about this number 666, might reason it is very absurd
and bizarre but when Noah preached for 120 years (in the Old Testament times)
that there would be rain and flood, everybody at that point in time thought it
was absurd and bizarre. They also reasoned that Noah was a lunatic but when
the rains came they were the first ones to knock and ask Noah to open the
door. Now you might think that the enactment of Sunday Law is bizarre too, but
please follow the Ten Commandments of God including keeping the Sabbath day
holy. Remember, the Sabbath doesnt save anybody. It doesnt give
salvation. Only Lord Jesus Christ gives salvation. The Bible states in John
14:15, And He said, if you love
Me, keep My commandments. If you love Lord Jesus, you will keep His
commandments. James 2: 26 declares, Just
as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
So we see that if you have only faith in Lord Jesus but do not have the works,
that is keeping the Ten Commandments, you will be lost because faith
without works is dead. First John 4:2 states, He
that saith, I know Him (Lord Jesus) and does not keep His commandments is a
liar and the truth is not in him. Hence all who say they know Lord
Jesus but doesnt keep His commandments would be lost. Again Matthew 7:21
states, Not all who say Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that
doeth the will of My father, which is in heaven. How can we do His
will? It is through keeping of His Ten Commandments. Let us keep His Ten
Commandments and keep the Seventh Day Sabbath.
Sunday law is a law enforced all over the world to keep Sunday holy and to
work all six days including the Sabbath. Any nation that does not follow the
dictates of USA would fall under economic sanctions. Of course, every nation
would observe the Sunday Law. Only God-fearing people will not obey the Sunday
Law. When Sunday Law is enacted (better, even before it is enacted), please
keep the Ten Commandments and let Lord Jesus control your life and dont
receive 666. Now all who had died in sin would have already had the mark of
the beast because they had died in their sins and had not kept the Ten
Commandments of God. You can also read the book The National Sunday Law
by Jan Marcusen, which will explain further about the number 666.
It is an obsession in a female to have sex frequently and will not be
satisfied. The etiology of
nymphomania is not fully understood. However,
women can turn into nymphomaniacs if they indulge in sexual intercourse at an
early age, experimenting to find Mr. Right, seeking revenge, love of money and
some psychological problems like frustration and obsession.
Spiritual Solutions
These women should be given psychotherapy.
They should be prayed for and they themselves ought to pray and
surrender fully to the control of the Holy Spirit in order to be cured of
nymphomania. Without Gods help they cant be cured of this problem
and they could die of AIDS or get murdered.
Women must be taught to have sex with only their husbands.
is an accumulation of adipose tissue. It is excessive body fat.
It could be misinterpreted of what constitutes excess body weight and
what does not. Certain means are used to assess who is obese or not. If any
person who is weighing more than 20% of the standard weight, according to
height and sex, is obese. The body mass index (BMI) is also calculated to
asses who is obese. For males and females over 20 years of age, if ones BMI
is more than 30, then the person is said to be obese. If a person, male or
female over 20 years of age, has BMI between
25 and 30, that person is said to be overweight.
causes obesity? There are many risk factors that interplay to cause obesity.
There is genetic predisposition for obesity. Obesity could run in families.
Other factors that may contribute to obesity are high fatty foods, eating too
much high caloric foods and physical inactivity. Psychosocial factors can also
assist in the occurrence of obesity. Hormonal problems like Cushings
syndrome can abet to cause obesity. For more assessment of obesity and
overweight please read my book, Dr.
Stevensons Book on Preventive Nutrition.
Non-Spiritual Solutions
of the possible remedies for obesity and overweight problem is to decrease
calorie intake and increase calorie expenditure (exercise and physical
activity). Obese people should eat foods with less cholesterol, less saturated
fat and more polyunsaturated fat. They should use oils like sunflower oil,
which has more polyunsaturated fat. They should decrease cholesterol content
foods like eggs, meat and foods fried with butter. They should not eat chicken
with skin. They ought to increase physical activity and do aerobic exercises.
Initially, they should not do rigorous exercises but are to start slowly. It
is wise to join a gym and a support group for obese members, who can help and
encourage each other to lower their weight problems.
most important of all is that they must change their lifestyles. My advice is
not to use drugs that could help to reduce weight. Of course, there are drugs,
which can suppress appetite. In a way, these can help because they suppress
the appetite and the person wont be hungry and tempted to eat. There are
some surgical techniques for people to lose the weight. The most common
surgical operations are vertical banded gastroplasty and gastric bypass, which
will reduce a lot of fat especially in the abdominal region. But the surgery
should be performed by experienced surgeons otherwise they can mess up and
make matters worse. Do not expect miracles. Dont worry about the end result
but follow the means. Dont step on the scale everyday and be disheartened
when you see no change, rather, focus on not giving up. For ways on how to
prevent obesity please read my book, Dr. Stevensons Book on Preventive
Orgy is a state of drunken
revelry. It is also excessive sexual indulges, especially in wild parties.
Orgy is definitely a problem because in orgies, people are very drunk and have
no inhibitions. They can shoot with guns if there is a fight. It can also lead
to high sexual promiscuity. It can also lead to sexually transmitted diseases
and also to AIDS. During these parties, if people have sex using condoms they
may still get sexually transmitted diseases because condoms are not full proof
for these diseases. There are a lot of bacteria and viruses identified in the
saliva and other body fluids.
Non-spiritual Solutions
It is ironic that in the
name of human rights and democracy, any damn thing is done. In the name of
freedom of expression or speech every immoral thing is conducted. However,
this leads to more problems like AIDS and high-rise in crime and violence.
In this book carnival had been discussed. It is one type of revelry and
there is dry sex during carnival. If the government takes potent action
to ban these orgies, it would be excellent. When the countries do not ban
these orgies, nightclubs and go-go clubs, then it is left up to the individual
to choose not to go to these places.
Spiritual Solutions
Conspicuously, if
individuals are taught to be God fearing, they would not want to go to wild
parties, where there will be drunken revelry and sexual over indulgence.
Therefore, when children are properly taught at an early age, this can be
avoided. The reading of the Bible and prayer should be conducted in public
schools in the USA and Canada so that the children are raised in the right way
and will not go to these orgies.
These orgies are signs of
the last days. The coming of Lord Christ is very near. People are living as
they did in Sodom and Gomorrah in the olden days. The Bible warns in Jude 7,
Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, in like manner,
giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set
forth for an example of suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. The people
of Sodom and Gomorrah had orgies and God destroyed them, so God will
eventually destroy people who go to orgies. People who have gone to orgies can
repent of their sins and give their lives to Lord Jesus, be converted and be
is a progressive loss of bone density. The cause is, in frequent cases,
menopause. Women who suffer from thyrotoxicosis, liver disease, diabetes,
alcoholism and also Cushing syndrome are also prone to osteoporosis. The
problem is that osteoporosis can cause frequent fractures (due to little
physical strain), especially long bone fracture, vertebral, and hip fractures.
There could be also kyphosis, which is the concave shape of the vertebral
column. It is also known as the hunch back.
could be managed through the intake of calcium. About 1000-1200 mg of calcium
should be taken through supplements daily. Anything that could cause a fall or
could trigger a fracture for elderly women should be removed or made safe in
the house. The house should be devoid of obstacles. Vitamin D could also be
taken, that is, about 400-600 units daily. For menopausal women, there could
be estrogen replacement therapy to avoid the problems of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is not curable but it can be controlled. The menopausal women are
to be educated how to live with osteoporosis. Some patients should also be
encouraged to do some exercises, which can strengthen the bones and muscles.
ozone layer is found in the upper part of the atmosphere. This ozone layer
absorbs ultraviolet light. It protects the ultra light from hitting the face
of the earth. This ozone layer, which protects the face of the earth from the
ultra-violet light (which could be obnoxious to the human race), is slowly
being depleted. How? Nitro-oxides and chlorofluorocarbons can destroy the
protective ozone layer. The CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are released by air
conditioners, refrigerators, fast food containers and solvents. When these
CFCs are released into the atmosphere, they go up and make holes in the ozone
layer. The chlorine atoms from the chlorofluorocarbons molecules are released
by ultra-violet light. These chlorine atoms would attack ozone molecules,
breaking them apart. When the ozone layer has holes and it is depleted, the
ultra-violet rays would hit the earth and can cause skin cancers, cataract,
slow blindness and premature aging of the skin. Again, if the ozone layer is
depleted, there will be global warming and due to it, the snow capped
mountains and the snow in the Artic and the Antarctic regions will melt and
the waters will flow into the seas and oceans and would increase the sea and
ocean levels, thereby causing floods and hurricanes. The high sea level can
eventually sink islands like the Maldives, which is already far below the sea
Non-Spiritual Solutions
engineers and scientists today should invent and discover machines, which do
not use chlorofluorocarbons. They could use another alternative group of
compounds like the hydrofluorocarbons, which have less potential for depleting
the ozone layer. We should not use air conditioners unnecessarily because each
time we use air conditioners, CFCs are being released into the air. We must
not use any instrument, which has CFCs, unnecessarily but only when absolutely
necessary. We are to see that the air doesnt get polluted by the
environmental waste like sulphur oxides to combine in the atmosphere and cause
health problems.
is a feeling of agony caused by stimulation of specialized nerve endings. It
is also a feeling of sensation of distress and suffering. Pain is a
subjective matter. Ones pain may be different from another persons
pain. Some have psychogenic pain, where there is absolutely no organic
explanation but there might be pain because of psychological reasons. The
typical psychogenic pain symptoms could be lower back pain, facial pain and
abdominal pain.
could be acute pain and chronic pain. Acute cancer pain can be caused
because the tumor could invade bone or compress or infiltrate nerves or
blood vessels. Pain can even follow radiation therapy. There could be other
severe pains such as acute postoperative pain, neuropathic pain and delivery
pain. Pain can be classified as mild, moderate, severe and excruciating pain
(where the patient cannot bear the pain). Pain of cancers, bone trauma, and
pain during biliary or renal colic, and debridement can be excruciating.
Persons suffering from pain are to consult a medical doctor. They
should not try to heal themselves. Pain is a blessing in disguise, because
it tells you that something is wrong in the body. Perhaps, some tissue is
damaged or sick and you should go and seek medical help. Suppose you dont
feel any pain or sensation, then you could actually injure your organs or
burn your fingers because there is no sensation. Nevertheless, severe pain
and chronic pain, along with acute pain have to be dealt with. Generally,
the doctors prescribe over the counter drugs like aspirins for mild pain.
For moderate pains, drugs like salicyclates and NSAIDs in higher doses may
be given. NSAID means non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The NSAIDs have
a combination of functions. These drugs are analgesics, anti-pyretics
(bringing down fever) and anti-inflammatory. They are usually given for
muscular-skeletal disorders, menstrual cramps and mild post-operative
Drugs that are given for moderate to severe pain are opioids. Opioids
are basically narcotic drugs like morphine. These drugs should be strictly
taken only with the doctors prescription and supervision. The dosage,
schedule, the root whether orally or parenterally by IM (intramuscular) or
IV (intravenous) would be decided by the doctor. The adverse effect of
opioids is that it will give rise to the problem of tolerance, which will
lead to drug addiction. If the pain is cancer pain, then along with opioids,
corticosteroids are also given to manage cancer pain because they have
anti-inflammatory capacity, can increase appetite, and also they can elate
the mood of the patients.
Apart from drugs, one can use massage therapy, heat/cold therapy,
exercise therapy, and hearing soothing gospel music to relieve some of the
pain. The psychological therapy could be patient education and reassurance.
Patients could be taught bio-feed relaxation techniques. Patients,
who suffer from excruciating pain, could undergo nerve block surgery, if
Patients must believe in God and cast their burdens on
Him. Lord Jesus can heal pain because He himself suffered one of the worst
excruciating pains on the cross and He will help anyone to over come the
pain. They should pray to God to remove or mitigate the pain if it is His
will, and they are to read the Bible to claim His promises. Let us be happy
that the second coming of Lord Jesus as Lord of lords is going to take place
soon and when He comes and we go to heaven there shall be no pain
whatsoever. Revelation 21: 4 states, Neither shall there be any
more pain for all things are passed away. So let us wait for the
second coming of our Savior. Let us pray for the ones who have pain so that
God will take away all that pain or at least abate it, if it is His will.
This is extreme paleness of the skin. The causes of pallor can be
iron deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, folic acid deficiency
anemia and copper deficiency anemia. The other causes are ischemic problems
and low cardiac output. When there is little supply of blood in the skin, it
can also cause pale colorization.
This depends on the cause of the problem. In case of iron deficiency
anemia, the patient should take iron supplements after consulting a medical
doctor. If it is B12 deficiency, he should be ingesting B12 tablets. If the
patients are suffering from pernicious anemia, then B12 injections are to be
administered intra-muscularly. If it is because of low cardiac output, then
it is to be treated accordingly.
are forceful and rapid contractions of the heart, which are perceived by the
patient. The patient is aware of the rapid heartbeats. Sometimes the rapid
palpitations are normal especially when persons do exercise. Usually for
men, right after sex, they can feel their hearts beating rapidly.
There are other conditions, which can also trigger palpitations, like
thyrotoxicosis, anemia and anxiety. Palpitations can also be caused by
cardiac abnormalities and arrhythmias.
ones who are experiencing palpitations after exercise or because of
nervousness or anxiety, it is a normal phenomenon. The heart beating fast
right after emiting semen is also a normal phenomenon. If, however,
they hear palpitations apart from when they are exercising, anxious or
nervous then there have got to be some problems regarding the heart. So they
will have to see a cardiologist, who would do tests like ECG. Eventually,
the doctor would treat according to the cause of the palpitations. If it is
because of thyrotoxicosis, then it should be treated. If it is because of
anemia, the anemia should be treated.
Space Problems
is a serious problem in congested areas of cities and towns. When there are
no parking spaces, there could be traffic jams or accidents. Unrest, quarrel
and misunderstanding between people, because of no or limited parking space,
could prevail. The parking space problem could also include loss of
parking space problem should always be taken into consideration in any
construction. Be it the construction of a house, a housing colony, a large
shopping mall, and buildings to house academic institutions, parking space
must be one of the factors on the agenda to be discussed and planned. If the
space on the ground is not enough to park for any building, then floors are
to be constructed for parking. If you cannot extend wider you can at least
go higher. It involves real planning. There ought to be special parking for
invalids, that is, who use wheel chairs and
who cant walk properly. Forget about all the administrators
getting more parking space but the invalids must be given first preference
for parking space.
happens when a company like a bank has a very little parking space and there
isnt much one can do about it? Do
not drive your car to that company during rush hour or when you think the
parking spaces are already filled up. Try to arrange your shopping in the
malls or where ever you shop in such a way that if you drive you may be able
to find parking space. Make sure, you are aware of the unavailability of
parking space and then decide when to shop. If you have to park in a place
that has no particular reserved parking arrangement, such as your place of
work, you should get there early and park. If there is no parking space, try
to find one that is within walking distance and park there. If necessary,
get permission from the authorities. If you have to walk certain distance
from the car, take it in your stride and consider that the walking is good
exercise for your body.
there is to be reserved parking, the administrators must see that all the
spaces are not reserved because visitors or prospective clients will not
have anywhere to park. There will be no clients if there is no parking space
for them and they are the actual persons who would bring some business to
the company/institution. As a rule, the administrators from the top must be
examples to park in the ordinary places. When the CEO or the manager park in
general parking spaces, others will feel comfortable parking there as well
because their bosses are setting an example. If the administrators keep all
the parking spaces for themselves, it will kill the profits and the growth
of the company or institution because clients will think that these
administrators are very selfish as they have kept all the parking spaces for
themselves and these clients will cease to do business with the company or
institution. Hence, the administrators should show by example by parking in
general spaces, if parking space is limited. On the contrary, if a lot of
space is available, then the administrators can go ahead and have reserved
fewer parking spaces are available for visitors then time limiting the
parking spaces for intervals of half an hour or one hour is to be enforced.
If anyone goes beyond the time frame they should be ticketed in order to
mange the parking space. As a rule, all individuals guilty of illegal
parking must be heavily fined.
is an infestation of the body by lice. The parasite infestation of the skin
includes the scalp, the trunk or the pubic areas. The pubic louse is the
one, which infects the pubic region. The body louse infects the body,
especially the trunk and the head louse is the one that infects the head.
The symptom is usually itching. Sometimes one can find small nits of the
head lice on the hair or other types of lice on the cloaks. The body louse
can transmit diseases like relapsing fever and typhus
clothes, which were worn by the patients is to be disinfected. The treatment
for head lice is permethrin cream rinse and for pubic lice, lindane lotion
is used.27 A thin
layer is applied to the infested and adjacent areas and it should be removed
after 12 hours by thorough washing. Nits should be removed by forceps or
fine toothcomb. Bedclothes should all be washed and dried at a high
temperature. Children are not to share their hats and combs, at home or
is a condition where emphasis of adverse effects, aspects, conditions and
worst possible outcome are expected. It is also believed that only bad
things over balance good things or sadness overtakes happiness in life.
There are some persons who are sad and always thinking about the negative
side of life. A pessimist will get up in the morning and say, What a
terrible day today is! The pessimist will always be looking at the
negative side of life. Why is life always filled with sorrows? Why is life
filled with troubles, stress and strain? These are the questions raised in
the mind of a pessimist. Pessimism could lead to hypertension, stress and
strain, poor performance at school or work, and problems with interpersonal
the pessimists let the Holy Spirit fully take control of their lives, they
will no longer be pessimistic. They will be happy irrespective of what takes
place. The solution to all pessimists is found in Romans 8:28, which states,
And we know that all things work
together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to
His purpose. This text emphasizes that all things work for good to
them that love God. So if all the pessimists love God, they would not look
at the negative side of life and will not expect only adverse and negative
occurrences. They will not believe that sadness overpowers happiness. The
Bible also tells in Psalms 144:15, Happy
is that people whose God is the Lord. If God is ones Lord, he/she
will definitely be happy. The pessimistic people usually turn pessimists
because of some sad episodes experienced in their lives or the sickness or
death of a loved one. But they should always believe that if they believe in
the Lord, not only all things will work for their own good but things will
be better.
story is told about a king who disguised himself and went hunting in the
forest. He fell in a ditch and as a result he broke his upper arm and it got
swollen. In his distress, he started to curse God.
Finally, some tribal people found him and took him to their tribal
worship center. That day was
the day when they should sacrifice a human being to their God.
For their sacrifice, this disguised king was chosen since a stranger
who is perfect in health would normally be the sacrifice.
Preparations were made for the sacrifice and when all was ready, they
removed the kings clothes. Upon
the removal of his clothes, the chief of the tribal village saw his swollen
upper arm and realized that this man was not perfect, so the sacrifice was
stopped and he was released. As
the king was going back to his palace, he was so happy that God let him have
this accident so that his life could be spared.
Advice is also given to the pessimist in Proverbs 17:22, which
expresses, A merry heart doeth
good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones. It is best
if we allow God to control our lives.
phobia is an irrational fear produced by a specific condition, which the
patient attempts to completely avoid. A
phobic disorder involves persistent and unrealistic fear or dislike for a
particular situation or condition. There
are many phobias, some of which are the fear of spiders, flying, high
altitudes or closed spaces. Some
persons with certain phobias can actually faint.
management for phobias is exposure therapy.
It is a form of behavior therapy where the patient is gradually
exposed to the frightful situation. For example, a person who has morbid
fear of receiving an injection, can be shown the syringe without the needle,
later the syringe with the needle attached, but with no fluid.
The person will slowly lose fear. The doctor can then slowly attempt
to inject the person and check if his heart rate increases. If it does, the
needle would be withdrawn. The administration of the injection would only be
given after a satisfactory result in the heart rate test.
The same thing can be done in the case of the patient who has fear of
snakes. He can first be shown the picture of a snake, then a dummy one can
be introduced and the patient must be told that the snake is a dummy snake.
The dummy snake should first be handled by the friend or therapist, and then
slowly introduced to the patient. If his heart rate increases, then it is to
be removed. If the patient
remains normal, then the patient can touch the tail of the snake.
Hence, the patient will slowly lose the phobia of the snake.
a patient were still having severe phobia in spite of the exposure, then
anti-depressants would be given. Another
management technique is hypnosis. Hypnotizing
and introducing the patient to the situation and video graphing it and later
showing it to the patient can also be effective in erasing the phobia.
is basically literary theft. It
is to steal and pass off somebody elses ideas as ones own.
It is also using somebody elses work without crediting the source.
Plagiarism is a very serious problem in many of the academic circles,
where some persons try to steal somebody elses work and pass it off as
their own.
student should be trained from elementary classes onward, that when they use
another persons literary source they should always give reference. There
should be stringent acts to punish the guilty ones of plagiarism. In
whatever field, one should possess copyrights after their works.
There is a poor mans copyright where hardly finance is
necessary. The original item
should be taken to the post office and registered.
The date on the envelope should be printed clearly by the post
office. The address of the
copyright owner should be placed on the package as sender and receiver.
Upon receiving the package, it should not be opened, but kept as a
proof whenever somebody plagiarizes his/her work.
There could be poisoning due to contaminated foods and water, and
chemicals like cyanide and carbon monoxide.
Poisoning can lead to death.
The patients should be immediately rushed to hospital.
Treatment should not be delayed.
For cyanide poisoning, vomiting should be induced.
Prevention is better than cure for poisoning.
For food poisoning, please read my book, Dr. Stevensons Book on
Preventive Nutrition.
of us know what causes air pollution. Smoke released by automobiles like
trucks, buses and cars and hydrocarbons can cause air pollution. The smoke
from factories, domestic heating, burning of waste, and pesticides all
contribute to air pollution. If too much carbon dioxide is produced, along
with other pollutant gasses, they can form layers and trap solar energy, and
as a result, warming of the earths surface takes place. When the earth is
really warmed up, then there could be very hot summers and prolonged
droughts and famines. The nitrogen and sulphur compounds are also pollutants
produced by industrial processes. When the sulphur oxides and moisture
combine they are converted into sulphuric acid. Nitrogen also mixes with the
atmosphere and is converted to nitric acid. The resulting formation is acid
rain. This acid rain can destroy some of the aquatic life as it had in the
Eastern American states and Canada. Even smog can be as a result of air
pollution. I have discussed about the depletion of the ozone layer earlier.
Because of air pollution, it could lead to respiratory diseases and certain
The industries must be located away from the urban areas. Wherever
there is some burning of waste, it should be later extinguished. There ought
to be better attempts to replace dangerous fuels with better fuel, where the
pollutants carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are not released in the air. Do
not leave the engine running while the car is not being used. Do not leave
the engine running while parked in a garage because small children can be
suffocated by the carbon monoxide. People that work in factories where they
manufacture things like asbestos, should cover their mouths and noses for
fear of acquiring disease like asbestosis. Where there is obnoxious smoke it
is best to have air purifiers placed on your mouths and noses so that you
will not breath the polluted air.
the cars, which emit a lot of smoke, should not be given fitness
certificates. The car owners must get their engines repaired or else the
licenses for their cars are to be made null and void. All the workers of
industries are to be made aware of the evil effects of air pollution and how
to minimize it. Most importantly, people must avoid indoor pollution. They
should, therefore, not smoke in the houses, and not let the oven or gas
stoves burn unnecessary. Houses are to be well ventilated.
can be polluted by pathogens like viruses, bacteria and protozoa and by eggs
and larvae of helminths and these, in turn, will cause viral, bacterial, and
protozoal diseases and helminthic infestations. Water can be polluted
because of salt minerals like calcium and magnesium; and suspended
impurities like twigs and leaves. It
can also be polluted by sewage water, agricultural pollutants like
fertilizers and pesticides, and physical pollutants like thermal pollution.
Water can also be polluted by chemical hazards like solvents, cyanides,
heavy metals, organic acids and other chemicals. If people are to drink
polluted water, it can be detrimental to their health and sometimes it could
be lethal.
Ministry of Health in any nation should be responsible for safe and adequate
water supply. They should see that the water supply is not polluted but is
purified from time to time, lest people are affected by polluted water.
Gastrointestinal problems could be caused by polluted water. If one suspects
that water is not pure it is best to boil it. During times when there are no
means to boil the water, chlorine tablets can be used to purify the water.
Filters may be a good method of purifying water but it cannot prevent
viruses from entering the pores. It is, therefore, best to boil the water
for ten minutes for drinking purposes.
is putting off something that should be done. It is a habit of intentionally
postponing something that could be performed.
Now, do not procrastinate reading about this problem and practicing
the solutions that I have recommended. It is a serious problem for many of
the people in this world. Students, teachers, workers, and people from other
walks of life procrastinate the things, which they are supposed to do.
Sometimes, procrastination robs many years of the lives of the people
slowly. It will knock you down before you can kick it off.
when people do not like to do something, they would postpone doing it.
If somebody does not like gardening, he will postpone it, or if
somebody does not like to wash the dishes in the kitchen, she will postpone
it. Anything that is not liked
will always be postponed but whatever is liked will be done immediately or
soon. If you like a particular song and do not have the audiocassette or CD
that contains that song, and when your friend lends you that cassette, you
will not postpone hearing that song. Rather youll hear the song as soon
as possible. Hence, to solve procrastination, you should like or love to do
what you are supposed to do. Let it be done even if is not done properly.
Wash the dishes even if they are not one hundred percent clean but the fact
that you cleaned them show that you did not put off washing them. If you are
to do an assignment, do not keep putting it off by saying, tomorrow
and that tomorrow never comes. Whatever
the assignment, it must be done, even if the assignment done is not properly
done but at least it was done.
you are doing, do it with all thy might and heart, and it doesnt matter
how much you have accomplished. And organize your time to do the things you
have to do.
advice is to do it now or immediately. Dont forget that a stitch
in time saves nine. For washing the dishes, do not think that after you
watch the TV you will wash the dishes, because after watching the TV you
might be so tired that youll dose off and sleep; so try to do it
immediately. Suppose your
favourite serial is going to be aired on T.V, wash the dishes much earlier
before your favourite serial comes on T.V.
is itching of the skin. It may
affect the whole surface of the body as in certain skin diseases and nervous
disorders or it may affect certain areas like pubic region. There are
several causes of pruritus. It may be because of skin diseases like
psoriasis and dermatitis, scabies, insect bites, pediculosis,
hypothyroidism, psychiatric disturbances, certain infections, leukemia,
lymphoma, iron deficiency anaemia, and some neurological disorders.
patients must consult a dermatologist. Treatment would be based on the cause
of the disease. If the cause is pediculosis, then it should be treated, if
it is caused by dermatitis, then that condition is to be treated.
Usually, the treatment for itching is topical corticosteroids and for
persistent and severe itching systemic steroids are prescribed.
anything is not easy. Purchasing
a house and car, and sometimes, TV, radio, book etc might pose a problem. In
fact, before buying this book or my other books, you must have wondered
whether to buy them or not.
are careless when they buy anything while others are extremely careful when
they buy. It is always nice to have a general principle that is, to be
careful when you buy anything. Sometimes, you may think it is not a problem
but it could be a problem if you spend a lot of money since later you will
regret it. You may be in hurry but later you may repent in leisure. Buying
the right shares at the right time in a stock market could be difficult.
is required for purchasing anything. When you plan, see whether the thing
you are going to buy is a necessity or a luxury item and how much money you
have. If it is a luxury item and you do not have the money to buy it, then
do not buy it. When you wish to buy a car like Mercedes Benz, do you have
the money? If you do not have the money, do you want to take a loan to buy
the car? Loans have high interest rates. Can you repay the loan? If you
cant repay then youll be inviting more problems.
you want to buy a used car, take a good mechanic who knows about cars. You
should not take a car mechanic who has some dealings with the persons who
are selling used cars because that car mechanic will be receiving some
kickbacks secretly.
A car
mechanic will know what to look for, what is the market rate and also he can
evaluate the used car if it is worth its cost. When you put the key in
the ignition switch and start, the small lights showing the starter, engine
oil, hand break and also alternator and battery should appear.
If they dont come on, there is something wrong and so dont buy
that used car. Also, look if there is any water leakage on the seat and you
can take a small magnet, run it on the sides of the car to see if there is
any rust, and check how many miles did the car run. The mechanic should
check the transmission, engine, tires, body, and suspension and when the
mechanic approves and if you like it, then you buy it. Never be in a hurry
to buy used cars. Make sure the documents for the car are OK as sometimes
the cars are stolen ones, and the documents are forged.
you plan to buy a house, see that the house is not entangled in a court case
and the house is not built on disputed land and if so, then dont buy.
Check that the material and roof is of good material and if electrical,
water facilities and other infrastructures are working properly. Always take
a building inspector/expert and real estate agent to see if the house is
good. See if the neighborhood has crime problems.
purchasing anything whatsoever, seek experienced persons advice in the
concerned fields. If you are buying an electronic gadget, ask someone who is
an expert on that electrical gadget. Do not try to find people who have some
connections with the seller, as there might be some kickbacks involved.
While buying shares, buy them while the market is bearish and seek the
advice of experienced brokers and other shareholders who are of integrity.
Read stocks and shares journals and keep yourself abreast and well informed.
most significant thing to do is to pray before purchasing anything. Pray to
Lord Jesus to help you find out whether to buy the concerned item or not. If
it is Lord Jesus will, go ahead and buy, if it is not His will, then
is fever. It is a rise in the body temperature, which is above 98.60 F.
Fever can be caused due to several factors. Fever can be caused due to many
infectious diseases, trauma, and some cancers. Fever is one of the most
common symptoms in many diseases.
patients must visit a medical doctor. Treatment would be based on the
etiology of the fever. Suppose the fever is because of typhoid, then it is
to be treated. Regarding reducing the high temperature of the body, one can
use cold sponges or ice bags. There should be frequent fluid intake because
during fever there is a lot of perspiration. The drugs that are usually used
are anti-pyretics like paracetamol. Antibiotics are to be administered if
the fever is caused by bacteria. The
bottom line is the cause of the fever should be treated.